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Nut Library

PRICE: U$19.99

Nut Library is a collection of extensions and utilities whose aim is to make game development faster and more intuitive. It reduces boilerplate, spaghetti, and mudball coding, and greatly improves on code readability. It's all about making you be able to focus more on getting your vision done rather than diving on seas of unreadable, poorly-written code.

The truth is that coding is slow. You can lose hours typing one single script, and that's bad. But, if you do the right things, and use the tools you have the right way, you can type the same script in a few minutes. You can literally bring your ideas into life at the same rate you think about them. Type the words you speak when describing these ideas. Yes, still surrounded by logic, but in a much clearer and intuitive way.


The Nut Library tries to help with that. It supports many different types with extensions, for example.


  • Vector2, Vector2Int, Vector3, Vector3Int, and Vector4;

  • Color and Color32;

  • any Array type (treated as a generic); Color and Color32 Arrays; GameObject and Component Arrays; and Lists alike;

  • ParticleSystem;

  • Rigidbody and Rigidbody2D;

  • Texture2D and Sprite;

  • float, int, byte, double, and decimal; and

  • string;


Here are a few examples of what the library is capable of:

Before and after Nut Library is applied in C# for Rigidbody velocity clamping.

You can read the documentation to know exactly what the Nut Library is already capable of. If you want to have an idea of what's coming next, have a look at the tool's roadmap, where I lay down what could come next in the future. For every update, I do a poll where I let you vote on which of the features laid on the poll you'd like to see coming first. All of the features will be added in the following updates, but you can pick one to add first. Where can you vote, you may ask me? It's on the Nut Tools Discord server!

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